Petros Mengs

Istanbul Büyüksehir Belediye, Eritrea, 22 år

Pro Cycling Manager


2024 2023 2022 2021 2016

Istanbul Büyüksehir Belediye (Continental) UCI Rangering: 1051 (56pts)
Dato Pos GC. Løb UCI
09.06 Tour du Maroc | 2.2 2024-06-09 Vis mere
09.06 28 Tour du Maroc | Samlet 2024-06-09
27.01 41 Grand Prix Antalya Airport City | 1.2 2024-01-27Vis mere
03.02 34 Grand Prix Apollon Temple | 1.2 2024-02-03Vis mere
11.02 Tour of Antalya | 2.1 2024-02-11 Vis mere
11.02 94 Tour of Antalya | Samlet 2024-02-11
25.02 17 Tour of Alanya | 1.2 2024-02-25Vis mere
02.03 6 Grand Prix Syedra Ancient City | 1.2 2024-03-0210Vis mere
14.03 Tour de Taiwan | 2.1 2024-03-14 Vis mere
14.03 76 Tour de Taiwan | Samlet 2024-03-14
28.04 Tour of Türkiye | 2.Pro 2024-04-28 Vis mere
28.04 69 Tour of Türkiye | Samlet 2024-04-28
15.06 15 Eritrea RR | CN 2024-06-151Vis mere
24.08 4 Grand Prix Soganli | 1.2 2024-08-2420Vis mere
25.08 3 Grand Prix Kaisareia | 1.2 2024-08-2525Vis mere
02.09 Tour of Routhe Salvation | 2.2 2024-09-02 Vis mere
02.09 20 Tour of Routhe Salvation | Samlet 2024-09-02
15.09 Tour of Istanbul | 2.1 2024-09-15 Vis mere
15.09 58 Tour of Istanbul | Samlet 2024-09-15
02.09 3 Tour of Routhe Salvation | Ungdom 2024-09-02
09.06 6 Tour du Maroc | Ungdom 2024-06-09
15.09 13 Tour of Istanbul | Points 2024-09-15
15.09 12 Tour of Istanbul | Bjerg 2024-09-15
09.06 8 Tour du Maroc | Bjerg 2024-06-09
28.04 8 Tour of Türkiye | Bjerg 2024-04-28
14.03 17 Tour de Taiwan | Bjerg 2024-03-14
11.02 15 Tour of Antalya | Bjerg 2024-02-11
02.09 5 Tour of Routhe Salvation | Bjerg 2024-09-02
28.04 7 Tour of Türkiye | Sprint 2024-04-28
15.09 6858 Tour of Istanbul | 4.etape 2024-09-15
14.09 8558 Tour of Istanbul | 3.etape 2024-09-14
13.09 4654 Tour of Istanbul | 2.etape 2024-09-13
12.09 7878 Tour of Istanbul | 1.etape 2024-09-12
02.09 1120 Tour of Routhe Salvation | 4.etape 2024-09-02
01.09 4338 Tour of Routhe Salvation | 3.etape 2024-09-01
31.08 1432 Tour of Routhe Salvation | 2.etape 2024-08-31
30.08 5758 Tour of Routhe Salvation | 1.etape 2024-08-30
09.06 5528 Tour du Maroc | 10.etape 2024-06-09
08.06 5430 Tour du Maroc | 9.etape 2024-06-08
07.06 5233 Tour du Maroc | 8.etape 2024-06-07
06.06 5535 Tour du Maroc | 7.etape 2024-06-06
05.06 4538 Tour du Maroc | 6.etape 2024-06-05
04.06 4842 Tour du Maroc | 5.etape 2024-06-04
03.06 3944 Tour du Maroc | 4.etape 2024-06-03
02.06 4144 Tour du Maroc | 3.etape 2024-06-02
01.06 6051 Tour du Maroc | 2.etape 2024-06-01
31.05 6262 Tour du Maroc | 1.etape 2024-05-31
27.04 9669 Tour of Türkiye | 7.etape 2024-04-27
26.04 5970 Tour of Türkiye | 6.etape 2024-04-26
25.04 8281 Tour of Türkiye | 5.etape 2024-04-25
24.04 11184 Tour of Türkiye | 4.etape 2024-04-24
23.04 10485 Tour of Türkiye | 3.etape 2024-04-23
22.04 7576 Tour of Türkiye | 2.etape 2024-04-22
21.04 120120 Tour of Türkiye | 1.etape 2024-04-21
14.03 6576 Tour de Taiwan | 5.etape 2024-03-14
13.03 3780 Tour de Taiwan | 4.etape 2024-03-13
12.03 10594 Tour de Taiwan | 3.etape 2024-03-12
11.03 4752 Tour de Taiwan | 2.etape 2024-03-11
10.03 100100 Tour de Taiwan | 1.etape 2024-03-10
11.02 10794 Tour of Antalya | 4.etape 2024-02-11
10.02 11485 Tour of Antalya | 3.etape 2024-02-10
09.02 6970 Tour of Antalya | 2.etape 2024-02-09
08.02 7879 Tour of Antalya | 1.etape 2024-02-08