Unai Aznar

Equipo Kern Pharma, Spanien, 22 år

Pro Cycling Manager


2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

Equipo Kern Pharma (ProTeam) UCI Rangering: 3208 (1pts)
Dato Pos GC. Løb UCI
28.04 Vuelta a Asturias | 2.1 2024-04-28 Vis mere
28.04 58 Vuelta a Asturias | Samlet 2024-04-28
05.05 GP Beiras e Serra da Estrela | 2.2 2024-05-05 Vis mere
05.05 42 GP Beiras e Serra da Estrela | Samlet 2024-05-05
19.05 Orlen Nations Grand Prix | 2.NC 2024-05-19 Vis mere
19.05 76 Orlen Nations Grand Prix | Samlet 2024-05-19
21.06 9 Spain ITT | CN 2024-06-211Vis mere
23.06 DNF Spain RR | CN 2024-06-23Vis mere
14.07 GP Torres Vedras | 2.2 2024-07-14 Vis mere
14.07 74 GP Torres Vedras | Samlet 2024-07-14
04.08 Volta a Portugal | 2.1 2024-08-04 Vis mere
04.08 DNF Volta a Portugal | Samlet 2024-08-04
11.08 71 Circuito de Getxo | 1.1 2024-08-11Vis mere
15.09 DNF Trofeo Matteotti | 1.1 2024-09-15Vis mere
14.02 Tour of Oman | 2.Pro 2024-02-14 Vis mere
14.02 85 Tour of Oman | Samlet 2024-02-14
09.02 DNF Muscat Classic | 1.1 2024-02-09Vis mere
06.10 CRO Race | 2.1 2024-10-06 Vis mere
06.10 108 CRO Race | Samlet 2024-10-06
05.05 4 GP Beiras e Serra da Estrela | Ungdom 2024-05-05
14.02 38 Tour of Oman | Ungdom 2024-02-14
14.07 19 GP Torres Vedras | Ungdom 2024-07-14
28.04 24 Vuelta a Asturias | Ungdom 2024-04-28
06.10 28 CRO Race | Ungdom 2024-10-06
06.10 57108 CRO Race | 6.etape 2024-10-06
05.10 96111 CRO Race | 5.etape 2024-10-05
04.10 88115 CRO Race | 4.etape 2024-10-04
03.10 98127 CRO Race | 3.etape 2024-10-03
02.10 128130 CRO Race | 2.etape 2024-10-02
01.10 125125 CRO Race | 1.etape 2024-10-01
30.07 DNF Volta a Portugal | 5.etape 2024-07-30
28.07 6698 Volta a Portugal | 4.etape 2024-07-28
27.07 114115 Volta a Portugal | 3.etape 2024-07-27
26.07 106112 Volta a Portugal | 2.etape 2024-07-26
25.07 107108 Volta a Portugal | 1.etape 2024-07-25
24.07 5151 Volta a Portugal | Prolog 2024-07-24
14.07 8874 GP Torres Vedras | 3.etape 2024-07-14
13.07 7370 GP Torres Vedras | 2.etape 2024-07-13
12.07 5512 GP Torres Vedras | 1.etape 2024-07-12
11.07 1212 GP Torres Vedras | Prolog 2024-07-11
19.05 5576 Orlen Nations Grand Prix | 5.etape 2024-05-19
18.05 10892 Orlen Nations Grand Prix | 4.etape 2024-05-18
17.05 2093 Orlen Nations Grand Prix | 3.etape 2024-05-17
16.05 30108 Orlen Nations Grand Prix | 2.etape 2024-05-16
15.05 130130 Orlen Nations Grand Prix | 1.etape 2024-05-15
05.05 4042 GP Beiras e Serra da Estrela | 3.etape 2024-05-05
04.05 5957 GP Beiras e Serra da Estrela | 2.etape 2024-05-04
03.05 6262 GP Beiras e Serra da Estrela | 1.etape 2024-05-03
28.04 6058 Vuelta a Asturias | 3.etape 2024-04-28
27.04 5757 Vuelta a Asturias | 2.etape 2024-04-27
26.04 6262 Vuelta a Asturias | 1.etape 2024-04-26
14.02 7185 Tour of Oman | 5.etape 2024-02-14
13.02 9489 Tour of Oman | 4.etape 2024-02-13
12.02 6784 Tour of Oman | 3.etape 2024-02-12
11.02 9297 Tour of Oman | 2.etape 2024-02-11
10.02 100100 Tour of Oman | 1.etape 2024-02-10