Richard Riska

ATT Investments, Slovakiet, 18 år

Pro Cycling Manager


2024 2023 2022 2021

ATT Investments (Continental) UCI Rangering: 867 (74pts)
Dato Pos GC. Løb UCI
07.09 Giro della Regione Friuli | 2.2 2024-09-07 Vis mere
07.09 21 Giro della Regione Friuli | Samlet 2024-09-07
21.04 27 Skoda Cup - Ceská Kamenice | NE 2024-04-21Vis mere
20.04 14 Skoda Cup - Krasna Lipa | NE 2024-04-20Vis mere
14.04 RBB Tour | NE 2024-04-14
14.04 15 RBB Tour | Samlet 2024-04-14
06.04 64 Brno-Velka Bites-Brno | NE 2024-04-06Vis mere
24.03 16 Eröffnungsrennen Leonding | NE 2024-03-24Vis mere
10.03 Istrian Spring Trophy | 2.2 2024-03-10 Vis mere
10.03 DNF Istrian Spring Trophy | Samlet 2024-03-10
28.02 117 Umag Trophy | 1.2 2024-02-28Vis mere
28.04 7 Kirschblütenrennen | 1.2 2024-04-285Vis mere
11.05 24 Silesian Classic | 1.2 2024-05-11Vis mere
25.08 West Bohemia Tour | 2.2U 2024-08-25 Vis mere
25.08 35 West Bohemia Tour | Samlet 2024-08-25
01.09 DNF GP Kranj | 1.2 2024-09-01Vis mere
09.08 Tour of Szeklerland | 2.2 2024-08-09 Vis mere
09.08 32 Tour of Szeklerland | Samlet 2024-08-09
16.08 43 GP Capodarco | 1.2U 2024-08-16Vis mere
14.07 9 Slovakia RR-U23 | CN 2024-07-141Vis mere
07.07 Tour of Austria | 2.1 2024-07-07 Vis mere
07.07 55 Tour of Austria | Samlet 2024-07-07
23.06 3 Slovakia RR | CN 2024-06-2360Vis mere
20.06 8 Slovakia ITT | CN 2024-06-203Vis mere
16.06 22 Kyjovske Slovacko | NE 2024-06-16Vis mere
15.06 4 Slovakia ITT-U23 | CN 2024-06-155Vis mere
27.09 60 World Championship RR-U23 | WCU 2024-09-27Vis mere
02.06 Course de la Paix (U23) | 2.NC 2024-06-02 Vis mere
02.06 84 Course de la Paix (U23) | Samlet 2024-06-02
19.05 Orlen Nations Grand Prix | 2.NC 2024-05-19 Vis mere
19.05 18 Orlen Nations Grand Prix | Samlet 2024-05-19
09.08 13 Tour of Szeklerland | Ungdom 2024-08-09
07.09 12 Giro della Regione Friuli | Ungdom 2024-09-07
25.08 18 West Bohemia Tour | Ungdom 2024-08-25
07.07 19 Tour of Austria | Ungdom 2024-07-07
14.04 5 RBB Tour | Ungdom 2024-04-14
02.06 39 Course de la Paix (U23) | Ungdom 2024-06-02
14.04 15 RBB Tour | Bjerg 2024-04-14
07.09 5121 Giro della Regione Friuli | 4.etape 2024-09-07
06.09 6318 Giro della Regione Friuli | 3.etape 2024-09-06
05.09 1313 Giro della Regione Friuli | 2.etape 2024-09-05
04.09 108108 Giro della Regione Friuli | 1.etape 2024-09-04
25.08 4535 West Bohemia Tour | 3.etape 2024-08-25
24.08 3236 West Bohemia Tour | 2.etape 2024-08-24
23.08 5348 West Bohemia Tour | 1.etape 2024-08-23
22.08 2828 West Bohemia Tour | Prolog 2024-08-22
09.08 3232 Tour of Szeklerland | 2.etape 2024-08-09
08.08 8747 Tour of Szeklerland | 1.etape 2024-08-08
07.08 4848 Tour of Szeklerland | Prolog 2024-08-07
06.07 7255 Tour of Austria | 4.etape 2024-07-06
05.07 4351 Tour of Austria | 3.etape 2024-07-05
04.07 5170 Tour of Austria | 2.etape 2024-07-04
03.07 9597 Tour of Austria | 1.etape 2024-07-03
02.07 118118 Tour of Austria | Prolog 2024-07-02
02.06 8284 Course de la Paix (U23) | 4.etape 2024-06-02
01.06 9182 Course de la Paix (U23) | 3.etape 2024-06-01
31.05 7374 Course de la Paix (U23) | 2.etape 2024-05-31
30.05 7878 Course de la Paix (U23) | 1.etape 2024-05-30
19.05 1818 Orlen Nations Grand Prix | 5.etape 2024-05-19
18.05 8023 Orlen Nations Grand Prix | 4.etape 2024-05-18
17.05 3024 Orlen Nations Grand Prix | 3.etape 2024-05-17
16.05 2624 Orlen Nations Grand Prix | 2.etape 2024-05-16
15.05 3030 Orlen Nations Grand Prix | 1.etape 2024-05-15
14.04 38 RBB Tour | 3.etape 2024-04-14
13.04 39 RBB Tour | 2.etape 2024-04-13
12.04 11 RBB Tour | 1.etape 2024-04-12
10.03 DNF Istrian Spring Trophy | 3.etape 2024-03-10
09.03 2320 Istrian Spring Trophy | 2.etape 2024-03-09
08.03 6348 Istrian Spring Trophy | 1.etape 2024-03-08
07.03 8282 Istrian Spring Trophy | Prolog 2024-03-07