08.04 |
9 | | |
NCL - Miami Beach
2023-04-08 | | Vis mere |
16.04 |
Redlands Classic
| NE
2023-04-16 |
| |
16.04 |
81 | | |
Redlands Classic
| Samlet
2023-04-16 | | |
30.04 |
Tour of the Gila
| 2.2
2023-04-30 |
| Vis mere |
30.04 |
DNF | | |
Tour of the Gila
| Samlet
2023-04-30 | | |
21.05 |
Joe Martin Stage Race
| 2.2
2023-05-21 |
| Vis mere |
21.05 |
83 | | |
Joe Martin Stage Race
| Samlet
2023-05-21 | | |
05.03 |
Tucson Bicycle Classic
| NE
2023-03-05 |
| |
05.03 |
29 | | |
Tucson Bicycle Classic
| Samlet
2023-03-05 | | |
19.02 |
Valley of the Sun Race
| NE
2023-02-19 |
| |
19.02 |
22 | | |
Valley of the Sun Race
| Samlet
2023-02-19 | | |
13.08 |
8 | | |
NCL - Denver
2023-08-13 | | Vis mere |
20.08 |
7 | | |
NCL - Atlanta
2023-08-20 | | Vis mere |
04.09 |
Green Mountain Stage Race
| NE
2023-09-04 |
| |
04.09 |
48 | | |
Green Mountain Stage Race
| Samlet
2023-09-04 | | |
04.09 |
28 | 48 | |
Green Mountain Stage Race | 4.etape
2023-09-04 | | |
03.09 |
55 | | |
Green Mountain Stage Race | 3.etape
2023-09-03 | | |
02.09 |
57 | | |
Green Mountain Stage Race | 2.etape
2023-09-02 | | |
01.09 |
49 | | |
Green Mountain Stage Race | 1.etape
2023-09-01 | | |
21.05 |
83 | 83 | |
Joe Martin Stage Race | 4.etape
2023-05-21 | | |
20.05 |
83 | 90 | |
Joe Martin Stage Race | 3.etape
2023-05-20 | | |
19.05 |
94 | 92 | |
Joe Martin Stage Race | 2.etape
2023-05-19 | | |
18.05 |
96 | 96 | |
Joe Martin Stage Race | 1.etape
2023-05-18 | | |
30.04 |
DNF | | |
Tour of the Gila | 5.etape
2023-04-30 | | |
29.04 |
56 | 56 | |
Tour of the Gila | 4.etape
2023-04-29 | | |
28.04 |
48 | 58 | |
Tour of the Gila | 3.etape
2023-04-28 | | |
27.04 |
59 | 62 | |
Tour of the Gila | 2.etape
2023-04-27 | | |
26.04 |
62 | 62 | |
Tour of the Gila | 1.etape
2023-04-26 | | |
16.04 |
83 | 81 | |
Redlands Classic | 5.etape
2023-04-16 | | |
15.04 |
53 | 84 | |
Redlands Classic | 4.etape
2023-04-15 | | |
14.04 |
73 | 88 | |
Redlands Classic | 3.etape
2023-04-14 | | |
13.04 |
88 | 89 | |
Redlands Classic | 2.etape
2023-04-13 | | |
12.04 |
90 | 90 | |
Redlands Classic | 1.etape
2023-04-12 | | |
05.03 |
18 | | |
Tucson Bicycle Classic | 3.etape
2023-03-05 | | |
04.03 |
32 | | |
Tucson Bicycle Classic | 2.etape
2023-03-04 | | |
03.03 |
38 | | |
Tucson Bicycle Classic | 1.etape
2023-03-03 | | |
19.02 |
19 | | |
Valley of the Sun Race | 3.etape
2023-02-19 | | |
18.02 |
28 | | |
Valley of the Sun Race | 2.etape
2023-02-18 | | |
17.02 |
32 | | |
Valley of the Sun Race | 1.etape
2023-02-17 | | |