Dana Scott

USA, 29 år


2024 2023

Dato Pos GC. Løb UCI
14.04 Redlands Classic | NE 2024-04-14
14.04 46 Redlands Classic | Samlet 2024-04-14
28.04 Tour of the Gila | 2.2 2024-04-28 Vis mere
28.04 41 Tour of the Gila | Samlet 2024-04-28
02.09 Green Mountain Stage Race | NE 2024-09-02
02.09 4 Green Mountain Stage Race | Samlet 2024-09-02
02.09 2 Green Mountain Stage Race | Bjerg 2024-09-02
02.09 16 Green Mountain Stage Race | 4.etape 2024-09-02
01.09 4 Green Mountain Stage Race | 3.etape 2024-09-01
31.08 52 Green Mountain Stage Race | 2.etape 2024-08-31
30.08 10 Green Mountain Stage Race | 1.etape 2024-08-30
28.04 4041 Tour of the Gila | 5.etape 2024-04-28
27.04 4640 Tour of the Gila | 4.etape 2024-04-27
26.04 5343 Tour of the Gila | 3.etape 2024-04-26
25.04 4439 Tour of the Gila | 2.etape 2024-04-25
24.04 3636 Tour of the Gila | 1.etape 2024-04-24
14.04 4946 Redlands Classic | 5.etape 2024-04-14
13.04 4144 Redlands Classic | 4.etape 2024-04-13
12.04 9548 Redlands Classic | 3.etape 2024-04-12
11.04 4346 Redlands Classic | 2.etape 2024-04-11
10.04 6464 Redlands Classic | 1.etape 2024-04-10