David Kasko

Dukla Banská Bystrica, Slovakiet, 27 år

Pro Cycling Manager

Løbs program



2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015

Dukla Banská Bystrica (Continental) UCI Rangering: 2215 (10pts)
Dato Pos GC. Løb UCI
08.09 7 Kriterium Dubnica nad Vahom | NE 2024-09-08Vis mere
11.05 DNF Silesian Classic | 1.2 2024-05-11Vis mere
09.05 121 Circuit de Wallonie | 1.1 2024-05-09Vis mere
21.04 Belgrade Banjaluka | 2.2 2024-04-21 Vis mere
21.04 70 Belgrade Banjaluka | Samlet 2024-04-21
28.04 17 Cena Krupiny RR | NE 2024-04-28Vis mere
27.04 9 Kriterium Dudince | NE 2024-04-27Vis mere
14.04 Trencianskym Regionom | NE 2024-04-14
14.04 10 Trencianskym Regionom | Samlet 2024-04-14
01.09 In the Steps of Romans | 2.2 2024-09-01 Vis mere
01.09 52 In the Steps of Romans | Samlet 2024-09-01
29.08 Tour of Bulgaria | 2.2 2024-08-29 Vis mere
29.08 37 Tour of Bulgaria | Samlet 2024-08-29
07.09 4 Slovakia National Climbing Championship-ITT | NE 2024-09-07Vis mere
30.06 Okolo Slovenska | 2.1 2024-06-30 Vis mere
30.06 102 Okolo Slovenska | Samlet 2024-06-30
07.07 OOT GP Slovakia | 1.2 2024-07-07Vis mere
06.07 77 GP Hungary | 1.2 2024-07-06Vis mere
23.06 22 Slovakia RR | CN 2024-06-23Vis mere
20.06 5 Slovakia ITT | CN 2024-06-2010Vis mere
09.06 Tour of Lithuania | 2.2 2024-06-09 Vis mere
09.06 65 Tour of Lithuania | Samlet 2024-06-09
02.06 Trnava Tour | NE 2024-06-02
02.06 7 Trnava Tour | Samlet 2024-06-02
07.04 2 Suchá nad Parnou | NE 2024-04-07Vis mere
06.04 13 Trnava Crit | NE 2024-04-06Vis mere
24.03 DNF GP Adria Mobil | 1.2 2024-03-24Vis mere
03.03 Visit South Aegean Islands Tour | 2.2 2024-03-03 Vis mere
03.03 82 Visit South Aegean Islands Tour | Samlet 2024-03-03
09.03 124 Rhodes Grand Prix | 1.2 2024-03-09Vis mere
05.10 GP Chantal Biya 2.2 2024-10-05 Vis mere
04.10 157 GP Chantal Biya | 4.etape 2024-10-04
03.10 36 GP Chantal Biya | 3.etape 2024-10-031
02.10 69 GP Chantal Biya | 2.etape 2024-10-02
01.10 3232 GP Chantal Biya | 1.etape 2024-10-01
01.09 5352 In the Steps of Romans | 2.etape 2024-09-01
31.08 5454 In the Steps of Romans | 1.etape 2024-08-31
29.08 6637 Tour of Bulgaria | 5.etape 2024-08-29
28.08 1632 Tour of Bulgaria | 4.etape 2024-08-28
27.08 4447 Tour of Bulgaria | 3.etape 2024-08-27
26.08 4757 Tour of Bulgaria | 2.etape 2024-08-26
25.08 7070 Tour of Bulgaria | 1.etape 2024-08-25
24.08 7373 Tour of Bulgaria | Prolog 2024-08-24
30.06 102102 Okolo Slovenska | 5.etape 2024-06-30
29.06 116127 Okolo Slovenska | 4.etape 2024-06-29
28.06 101134 Okolo Slovenska | 3.etape 2024-06-28
27.06 137136 Okolo Slovenska | 2.etape 2024-06-27
26.06 20121 Okolo Slovenska | 1.etape | TTT 2024-06-26
09.06 5365 Tour of Lithuania | 5.etape 2024-06-09
08.06 5765 Tour of Lithuania | 4.etape 2024-06-08
07.06 5868 Tour of Lithuania | 3.etape 2024-06-07
06.06 7676 Tour of Lithuania | 2.etape 2024-06-06
05.06 6162 Tour of Lithuania | 1.etape 2024-06-05
02.06 57 Trnava Tour | 4.etape 2024-06-02
01.06 18 Trnava Tour | 3.etape 2024-06-01
01.06 3 Trnava Tour | 2.etape 2024-06-01
31.05 14 Trnava Tour | 1.etape 2024-05-31
21.04 5870 Belgrade Banjaluka | 4.etape 2024-04-21
20.04 7271 Belgrade Banjaluka | 3.etape 2024-04-20
19.04 10399 Belgrade Banjaluka | 2.etape 2024-04-19
18.04 132121 Belgrade Banjaluka | 1.etape 2024-04-18
14.04 24 Trencianskym Regionom | 3.etape 2024-04-14
13.04 54 Trencianskym Regionom | 2.etape 2024-04-13
12.04 9 Trencianskym Regionom | 1.etape 2024-04-12
03.03 9682 Visit South Aegean Islands Tour | 2.etape 2024-03-03
02.03 6868 Visit South Aegean Islands Tour | 1.etape 2024-03-02