Rafal Janik

Polen, 36 år


2008 2007 2006 2005

Alle Flad Bakkeret UCI?
Dato Pos GC. Løb
06.04 36 Slezanski Mnich | NE 2008-04-06Vis mere
13.04 Wyscig Wielkanocny | NE 2008-04-13
13.04 31 Wyscig Wielkanocny | Samlet 2008-04-13
23.03 The Paths of King Nikola | 2.2 2008-03-23 Vis mere
23.03 DNF The Paths of King Nikola | Samlet 2008-03-23
01.05 39 Mem. A.Trochanowskiego | 1.2 2008-05-01Vis mere
22.03 DNF The Paths of King Nikola | 3.etape 2008-03-22
21.03 99 The Paths of King Nikola | 2.etape 2008-03-21
20.03 76 The Paths of King Nikola | 1.etape 2008-03-20