Andrea Passerini

Italien, 39 år



Alle Flad Bakkeret Tidskørsel
Dato Pos GC. Løb
24.04 DNF Berner Rundfahrt | 1.1 2005-04-24Vis mere
22.04 Tour of Hellas | 2.2 2005-04-22 Vis mere
22.04 DNF Tour of Hellas | Samlet 2005-04-22
29.03 The Paths of King Nikola | 2.2 2005-03-29 Vis mere
29.03 DNF The Paths of King Nikola | Samlet 2005-03-29
19.04 OOT Tour of Hellas | 1.etape 2005-04-19
18.04 77 Tour of Hellas | Prolog 2005-04-18
24.03 OOT The Paths of King Nikola | 3.etape 2005-03-24
23.03 12 The Paths of King Nikola | 2.etape | TTT 2005-03-23
23.03 107 The Paths of King Nikola | 1.etape 2005-03-23